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New young wines 2014.


Dear Friends,
For years, when tasting our young wines directly from the tanks to foreshadow how they would evolve through aging, we perceived such strength and fullness in the young wines. Now, we have decided to bottle them when young without coming into contact with oak barrels so that we can enjoy them in their purest state… VEOVEO and TRISTRAS 2014.


After many discussions on what to name these new wines, we decided that since the wines were young what did we do when we were young? Well, we played games. So we have named our wines after Spanish children’s games we played when young. We have all at some time played “VEO VEO” or in English, I Spy My Little Eye. Who in Spain hasn’t sung “TRIS TRAS … ni lo vesni lo verás”, a rhyme kids sing while making something disappear which translates into “TRIS TRAS… you don’t see it and you won’t see it”.


To go along with our young theme, we have made tasting videos instead of tasting sheets. Simply scan the QR or Bidi code on the back label with your phone, and it will automatically take you to the tasting video that our friendly characters are ready to explain…


While you get your hands on one of our bottles, check out the tasting video.







© Pago Casa del Blanco 2022. All rights reserved Miembro de AEE de EnoturismoCertificado de Calidad ISO 9001 Versión Española