The warm elixir born of our land has body and soul. According to the story, it accompanies our most universal knight healing his mortal wounds after battle. “The recipe to the Fierabras balm calls for oil, salt, rosemary and wine.” Indeed, the micro-climate of our vineyard gives Quixote its Single Estate quality, corroborating the properties already announced by our esteemed Cervantes. Year after year, our potion culminates the good deeds of generations, who since the mid-nineteenth century have dedicated their days and nights, their hopes and dreams to enfolding our taste buds. So let’s close our eyes, make a toast and start seeing giants for windmills.



Joaquín Sánchez García
President and General Manager of D.O.P. Pago Casa del Blanco
Denominación de Origen Protegida, Pago Casa del Blanco


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